The Foundation Stone of the TPF organization was 1st laid in 2007 Chaturmash in Udaipur.

There are over 10400 members registered across the globe from various fields. The members of TPF get an opportunity to join the society and walk the path of spiritual and professional development through the Forum.
Currently there are 84 branches registered across the globe. Branches registered under TPF are led by a team of Professionals and they host a wide range of events, workshops, seminars, and networking sessions in their respective regions.
Till date TPF have Supported more than 10000 students for their education. TPF provides a helping hand to students who face financial barriers in accessing quality education and help them pursue their educational dreams.
TPF organizes a wide range of engaging and insightful events throughout the year. Till date more than 50 events have been held at national level which helps members to grow both professionally and personally.
Over the years, TPF has had the privilege of serving 2,00,000+ patients across 700+ villages and cities. Our services encompass a wide range of specialties, including General Medicine, Ophthalmology, Dentistry, X-rays, ECG, Pathology, Oxygen, and more.
Through our various projects, we strive to serve the community as a whole. Each project is carefully planned and executed to maximize its impact and create sustainable change in the community.
TERAPANTH PROFESSIONAL FORUM is a body comprised of professionally qualified individuals of Terapanth Samaaj from various fields like Doctors, Chartered Accountants, MBA's, Engineers, Advocates, Architects, Company Secretary, Cost Accountant, PhDs, Professors etc. This forum endeavors to provide a strong platform for upcoming talents, as it believes that the intellect of talented people should benefit society. TPF is a reflection of the dreams of Acharya Shri Mahapragyaji. It presently enjoys the patronage of Acharya Shri Mahashraman Ji and Sadhvi Pramukhashriji and functions under the guidance of Munishri Rajneesh Kumarji. The foundation stone of the TPF organization was 1st laid in 2007 Chaturmash in Udaipur. It was registered under the Societies Registration Act in the year 2010. In the 13th Annual Convention held by Terapanth Amrit Sansad and Terapanth Vikas Parishad TPF got the recognition as a Centralized Organization. TPF has been honored as the Fifteenth Centralized Organization in India. TPF is the fourth Sangathan-Moolak (organization-based) institution of Terapanth Dharm Sangh.